Tuesday, June 13, 2017

My Last Blog Entry

I know I was supposed to do my last blog entry yesterday but I forgot so I am going to do it today!! I know that I haven't even done my blog entry for a year yet but since it's been almost a year I thought that it's time to say goodbye. I know you are probably all sad right now because this is my last blog entry and you all liked reading my blogs but I decided that it's time to stop blogging. My last day of school is tomorrow and I haven't found the time to do it at home as much as I used to. I had a really fun time on this blog and I hope you did to but just leaving the blog for me is so sad and I still wish that there was a way for me to blog more. And I just want to say thank you to every one for commenting and reading my blogs everytime I post because for your support is just really amazing. And just to brainstorm one blog entry idea is really hard to do and it takes a lot of patience and thinking and this summer I just want to relax and have fun before the next school year begins. So here is the last blog question. What was your favorite post that I did?? And for the last time on Emily's Kitchen, Keep baking awesome amazing cooks!!! Bye!! Also I might be starting a new blog soon!! Only a member of this blog can comment on it.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

100th Post !!!!!

I cannot believe that I reached 100 posts!! I am crying right now with happiness! I started in November 2016 and I did not come up with a lot of ideas and I was posting once a week and now we are in June 2017 and I post a lot more then I did then. And just thinking of getting 100 posts is just amazing to me and I couldn't have gotten 100 posts without all of you. One comment can really make my blog better. And I just want to say thank you to everyone who comments and commented on my blog. I have read a lot of your blogs and I like all of them. And to do a good idea on your blog is just thinking about what you really like and what you think other people will like. People really like stuff like suggestions, food reviews, what ticks them off, thier pet peeves, sports, food, one thing versus another thing, what makes them happy and sad, things that they notice. The list is endless on great ideas. And I just want to say thank you to everyone who commented on my blog and even if you only commented once. And I want to ask everyone a few questions before I go.
What is your favorite food?? What food month was your favorite? What is your blog about and what inspired you to do that theme? I am going to put the names of some awesome blogs on this blog so you can read the, laugh , and have them brighten up your day. And I forgot to mention my last blog entry is on Monday so make sure you read it. Keep baking awesome amazing cooks!! Bye!!

Here are some awesome blogs that I have read so far: 
Merrin's universe.blogspot.com
myselfhasawesomeness.blogspot.com and Littlefootleaps.blogspot.com

Monday, June 5, 2017

Fruit Salad vs. Regular Salad

Fruit salad and salad are both examples of healthy foods. But did you know that fruit salad is just a mixture of different fruits such as strawberries, blueberries, grapes and other fruits. And salad is stuff from gardens but it is washed and checked to make sure it is not poisoning so when people eat it they probably won't end up in the hospital unless they are and or allergic to the stuff in lettuce. So today I am going to be saying the differences between real Salad and fruit salad. Salad is lettuce and stuff from gardens and vegetables but fruit salad is just a lot of different kinds of fruits mixed together to form a fruit salad. I'm salad you can put a lot of stuff in it such as tomatos, croutons, and salad dressing on it. But you can't put tomatos, croutons, or salad dressing on a fruit salad but you can put some yogurt on or drizzle some honey on it. You have to pour a bunch of different fruits in a bowl and or on a plate to make a fruit salad or you have to make a fruit salad. But most stores in the produce section have salads already made and sometimes they have them already made but that's not very common for a store to have a fruit salad already made. If you want a fruit salad you'd probably have to make it at home. That's all for today!! What's your favorite fruit or vegetable?? Do you like fruit salad or salad better? Keep baking awesome amazing cooks!! Bye!! 



Friday, June 2, 2017

Healthey vs. Junk Food

Do you know how some people like junk food better and some people like healthey food better. So that's why today I am going to be talking about healthey food vs. junk food. Healthey food you have energy for the whole day and junk food you really only have energy for a few hours. Healthey food is mostly grown food and junk food is not real food. Healthey food is with fruits such as apples, pears, watermelon , and bananas and vegetables such as celery, carrots, tomatoes, and cucumbers. And junk food doesn't have food like that. Most people think icecream is junk food but the only thing that makes it not healthy is how much sugar they put in it but otherwise it's healthey because it has milk in it to make bones stronger and calcium which is mainly very healthy. But still icecream isn't very healthy so you should only have it once in a while. What do you like better?? Healthey food or junk food?? I like healthey food better! Keep baking awesome amazing cooks!! Bye!!



Monday, May 29, 2017

I love watermelon

So I was looking at pics of fruit the other day and I found a pic of some watermelon and I just remembered how much I love to eat watermelon. So today's blog entry is about watermelon. I usually eat watermelon at barbecues like today I am going to eat watermelon today. I also eat watermelon because in my opinion it tastes really good. Do you like watermelon?? What is your favorite springtime fruit?? Keep baking awesome amazing cooks!! Bye!!


Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Yum!! Strawberries!!

I really love to eat strawberries an it is also a really healthey food too!! I really like the taste of them. I also like to put them in a smoothie. Every time I go to a smoothie place I always get a smoothie with strawberries in it. I'm pretty sure most people like strawberries too. They just taste so good in my opinion. But some people don't like strawberries and I respect that. Comment what your favorite type of fruit is or if you like strawberries. Keep baking awesome amazing cooks!! Bye!!


Monday, May 22, 2017

Healthey foods Month!!!

I know it's only almost the end of May but still I thought I'd start healthy foods month. And as you noticed I started dessert month at the end of April when I was supposed to start dessert month this month in May. So this month we are going to be talking about healthey foods. So like vegetables, fruits, and other healthy foods. And since it's getting warmer out we are going to also be talking about fruit ice pops. So I hope you are exited for healthey foods month. And I forgot to mention that in the middle of June is my last blog entry. I know it's sad but I thought that I should stop doing my blog when summer begins. Keep baking awesome amazing cooks!! Bye!!


Sunday, May 14, 2017

Chocolate cupcakes vs. Vanilla Cupcakes

I love  chocolate cupcakes and vanilla cupcakes!!! But did you know that you can get chocolate cupcakes with vanilla frosting and vanilla cupcakes with chocolate frosting? But when you get chocolate cupcakes with chocolate frosting and vanilla cupcakes with vanilla frosting it doesn't taste that good because chocolate cupcakes are a different from the type of chocolate frosting and the same goes with vanilla cupcakes and vanilla frosting. But some people like it this way and I respect that. What is your favorite type of cupcakes?? What one do you like better?? Chocolate cupcakes or vanilla cupcakes?? Keep baking awesome amazing cooks!! Bye!!!



Friday, May 12, 2017

Molten chocolate lava cake!!

I love molten chocolate lava cake!! It's so good. I tried some today and it was really good! I really like chocolate though especially two layers of chocolate together. You should really try chocolate lava cake sometime. What is your favorite type of cake? If you like to eat chocolate, what is your favorite way to eat chocolate? Keep baking awesome amazing cooks!!


Thursday, May 4, 2017

Fatty Sundaes!!! Yum!!!

I love fatty Sundaes!! They are a chocolate covered pretzel with sprinkles on top!! They taste so good!! My mom bought them home one time and I just started eating them. If you want to make them here is how to make the fatty Sundaes.
What you will need:
One bag of meltable chocolate wafers
Pretzel sticks

Directions: Melt the wafers in a microwave how long it says to on the bag. Dip the pretzels in the chocolate wafers. Cover with sprinkles!! Enjoy!!! What I said you favorite type of pretzel hard or soft?? Keep baking awesome amazing cooks!! Bye!!


Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Chocolate covered Strawberries!!!

I love the fruit called strawberries. And my favorite dessert flavor is chocolate. So put that together and you have chocolate covered strawberries. They are really good and really easy to eat too. And today I'm going to be telling you how to make the chocolate covered strawberries. 

                            What you will be needing: 
                             6 strawberries 
                             A plastic knife (to cut strawberries stems)
                            Chocolate chips

Directions: Wash the strawberries and cut the stems off of all the strawberries. Melt the chocolate chips in the microwave for twenty seconds or until melted. Dip the strawberries into the chocolate and place in the refrigerator for two hours. And you are ready to enjoy!!


Monday, May 1, 2017

Chocolate pudding cup!!

I love one cup of pudding. So I also like three layers of pudding. So when there's three layers of chocolate pudding, whipped cream and cookie crumbles you gotta try it. It tastes like a dessert heaven. There is also a bunch of other pudding flavors. Like vanilla, chocolate, strawberry and tapioca. You can also put cookie crumbles on it. What so your favorite pudding flavor??? Keep baking awesome amazing cooks!! Bye!!



Thursday, April 27, 2017

Yum!! Chocolate Mousse Cake!!!!

I love chocolate mousse cake!! It's so chocolaty !!!! I really like chocolate mousse cake because for some reason when I see chocolate mousse cake my mouth waters like crazy!!! And also when I saw this picture I almost ate my iPad!!! LOL!! But I had a sample of chocolate mousse cake at Costco and it was delicious!!!! What is your favorite way to eat chocolate??? What is our favorite flavor of cake?? Keep baking awesome amazing cooks!! Bye!!!


Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Campfire S'mores!! Yum!!

I love campfire s'mores. I used to do this a lot because I used to be in scouts. Scouts go on a lot of camping trips and they also love roasting marshmallows and making smores. Well you obviously can't make s'mores at a camping trip without a campfire. Butt before you do you must have an adult help you with it. The ingredients in s'mores are chocolate bars, marshmallows,and graham crackers. But there are a lot of other ways to make s'mores too. What is your favorite way to eat s'mores?? Have you ever gone on a camping trip before???



Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Chocolate Fudge !!! Yum!!!

I love chocolate fudge but there is a bunch of different flavors of fudge. There is mint chocolate chip, chocolate,vanilla, caramel, cotton candy, cookies and cream,and the list is endless!!! But my favorite types are just chocolate and caramel. I really like fudge because it's a chocolaty taste inside my mouth when I eat it. And chocolate is my favorite type of dessert. I never really eat fudge though because my parents are afraid that I will act all crazy. Though I never have when I ate fudge. But eating fudge can make you really thirsty so make sure you get a drink of water after you eat some delicious fudge. And also I have ate peanut butter fudge and I ended up really liking it. I don't know if I'll ever try cotton candy, vanilla, or cookies and cream flavored fudge though. Because it sounds weird tasting to me. But some people like that flavored fudge and I respect that. What is your favorite flavor of fudge?? And also comment if you like chocolate or not!! Keep baking awesome amazing cooks!! Bye!!!




Cannolis vs. Eclairs

I am really hungry right now probably because today's blog entry is about cannolis and eclairs. Now we all now that eclairs look a lot like really big donuts. But they are actually nothing like donuts but they do have a texture of donuts. And cannolis have the texture of a cookie. I really like eclairs though because you could just bite into a delicious looking eclair and you'd want to eat it every single day if you could. And cannolis you want to eat them a lot but not nearly as much as you would want to eat eclairs. What is your favorite type of donut ???? And also, What is your favorite flavor cannoli. Keep baking awesome amazing cooks!! Bye!! 



Monday, April 24, 2017

Delicious Donuts from Donut Haven!!!!

I really like donuts as  see from how many blog entries I did about donuts. So today I just remembered that last year my dad took me to Donut Haven. And I've gotta tell you those donuts were so delicious, that thinking about those donuts right now makes my mouth water. I should probably go to Donut Haven in a couple minutes because if I don't my mouth is probably going to water all day long. I reallly like Oreo flavored donuts, bacon, fruit loops, chocolate,Boston cream pie, and much more. Keep baking awesome amazing cooks!! Bye!!


Top 5 Most Delicious Milkshakes

Have you ever tried five different delicious milkshakes and you suddenly could rate them which one was your favorite and which one was your least favorite???? For this blog entry I will be talking about my Top 5 most favorite milkshakes. So my first favorite milkshake is a bigger milkshake and someone told me that you could make your own. My second favorite milkshake is Hand Spun milkshakes from Chick fil a. For some reason I think Chick fil a makes the best hand spun milkshakes ever!!! My third favorite milkshake is just one you can make at your house with icecream and toppings. My second least favorite type of milkshake is Cheesecake milkshakes I don't like cheesecake at all so there is no way I'm going to enjoy eating this type of milkshake. And last but not least , my least favorite milkshake is milkshakes that don't taste the way you want that are made by your parents. My parents actually make really good milkshakes though.  Keep baking awesome amazing cooks!!! And I also forgot to mention that this months food is desserts. Dessert month started on Friday . Bye!!!!

Yum!! Chocolate Fondue Fountain!!!

If you like chocolate fondue then you've gotta try the chocolate fondue fountain. Beware it's very rare to find a chocolate fondue fountain. It is delicious because it tastes just like chocolate fondue except it's in fountain form. I almost ate my IPad when I found this delicious looking picture of this chocolate fondue fountain. You should really try it. Keep baking awesome amazing cooks!! Bye!! 


Friday, April 21, 2017

World's most delicious cake!!!

So I admit this may not look like the worlds most delicious cake ever, but to me this is mouth watering. I love all cake exempt for cheesecake. I just think cheesecake is a bit to sweet tasting . I really like Chocolate cake and vanilla cake though. I also like confetti cake too!! Keep baking awesome amazing cooks!! Bye!!


Thursday, April 20, 2017

Indian Food vs. Norwegian Food

Yum Indian food and Norwegian food sound really delicious to me. I'd honestly probably have a taste of Indian food because I never tried it before. I have tried Norwegian food and trust me it's really good in my opinion. But I think I'll try it sometime soon. Norwegian food is really good too but I'd honestly try Indian food. Thank you to Amvi for suggesting this food . Her blog is My self Has Awesomeness or myselfhasawesomeness.blogspot.com. Keep baking awesome amazing cooks!! Bye!!



Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Sushi vs. Seaweed

Yum I love sushi!!! It tastes so good!!! But there is also seaweed which doesn't tastes good at all in my opinion. I really like sushi because it tastes like a food heaven in my mouth. But I really don't like seaweed because it's from the bottom of the sea and I don't like stuff from the bottom of the sea. But sushi is delicious. What do you like better?? Sushi or Seaweed?? Keep baking awesome amazing cooks!! Bye!!



Saturday, April 15, 2017

Easter Treats!!!

Yay!! Easter is tomorrow!!! Now we all know Easter for the Easter egg hunts, candy, treats,and coloring Easter eggs. So I thought since Easter is tomorrow I would do a blog entry about Easter treats.

The first one is Chicks Cupcakes
What you will be needing:
Yellow Food coloring
Vanilla Frosting
Vanilla Cupcakes
M and Ms chocolate candies

Put some white frosting into a bowl. Add some yellow food coloring and stir until well combined. Bake or buy some vanilla cupcakes and apply the frosting onto the Cupcakes. Get some brown m and ms as the eyes and an orange m and m as the beak.

The next one is called Chocolate covered Peeps
What you will be needing:
Meltable Chocolate Wafers
Peeps Candy
Melt the chocolate wafers for 15 seconds and stir. Dip the peeps in the melted chocolate and let sit on a baking sheet until dry. Keep in the refrigerator overnight. Happy Early Easter!!!! Keep baking awesome amazing cooks!! Bye!!!


Monday, April 10, 2017

Waffle Sundaes!!!

I really love waffle sundaes!! If you love waffles and icecream and toppings then this would be the perfect treat for you!!! It's a really creative way to have an icecream sundae!! And if you also want to have some breakfast then this would be perfect too!!! I really like and waffles and I also really like icecream sundaes. This is just like the icecream sundae exept that there is no waffle cone with it but there is a waffle. I would 9/10 recommend this treat!! Comment what your favorite breakfast food is and your favorite icecream flavor!! Keep baking awesome amazing cooks!! Bye!!


Sunday, April 9, 2017

What does a singer eat????

Remember when it was breakfast food  month and I did what does a Super Bowl player eat for breakfast?? But now today I am going to do what does a singer eat. Anyways,  my grandma went on stage to sing last night and I've gotta tell you she was the best singer on that stage. So I was thinking how do all the amazing singers on the stage sing so perfect?? Well, they practice a lot, they warm up before they sing,and they even eat a good snack before they sing. So today I will be telling you what a singer eats before they sing. A singer has to eat something healthy before they sing because they need to have the perfect singing voice and they need to be able to sing for a long time. Especially yesterday when all the singers had to sing on stage for one hour. So probably something like a breakfast bar, fruits, vegetables, and even a smoothie. I think some people had a smoothie before they sang because smoothies can be made with fruits,vegetables, and pretty much any food. Keep baking awesome amazing cooks!! Bye!!!!

Friday, April 7, 2017

Donut Cake Tower

A great way to start off a birthday is by eating a delishous breakfast so I thought that the perfect birthday breakfast is a doughnut tower. It's all your favorite donuts stacked to create a masterpiece of donuts. And if you love doughnuts this is the perfect way to start of your birthday. Keep baking awesome amazing cooks. Bye.


Birthday Cake Milkshake

The celebration will go on all day. Anyways I decided to teach you how to make a Birthday cake Milkshake. These are perfect if it's your birthday or someone else's birthday and you want to give them a yummy dessert right after thier birthday dinner or just as a birthday snack. Anyways this tastes really good and I hope you'll like it. 

Here is what you will be needing to make this Birthday Cake Milkshake:
3 cups of ice 
1 cup of milk
Vanilla or chocolate icecream
Birthday cake Oreos chocolate or vanilla
Rainbow sprinkles
Whipped Cream (optional)

First put the ice in the blender. Pour in the milk. Scoop in the icecream. Put in the Oreos. Add in some rainbow sprinkles and blend. After you are done blending the Milkshake pour the milkshake in a cup and get the whipped cream and put some on top of the milkshake. Keep baking awesome amazing cooks!! Bye!!!!


Chocolate Birthday Cake

Yes the celebration is still going on. Now for this hours blog entry we are going to be talking about chocolate birthday cake. So this cake as you can see is very good looking. It has chocolate cake, chocolate mousse frosting and even rainbow confetti sprinkles. As you can see if it's your birthday right now and your a real chocolate lover then you would definitely love this cake for your birthday. You can buy cakes at stores or you can even make your own cake. And I forgot to mention that I almost ate my IPad looking at this picture of this delicious looking chocolate cake. Don't forget to say Happy Birthday to Niharika!!! Keep baking awesome amazing cooks!!' Bye!!!!


Birthday cake Icecream

Today is a very special day for  Niharika.  So in honor of Niharika's birthday I am going to do a blog entry about birthday cake icecream. I love birthday cake icecream it tastes so good. There is birthday cake and frosting in the icecream. But do you know what would be even better birthday cake with this type of icecream. Most birthday cake icecream is blue but some are vanilla with rainbow sprinkles. Also let's say Happy Birthday to Niharika. Happy birthday to you , Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to Niharika, Happy birthday to you. If you want to say Happy Birthday to Niharika her blog is Especially Random or especiallyrandom99.blogspot.com. Keep baking awesome amazing cooks. Bye!!!!!!! Also thank you to Niharika 1.0 for suggesting I do this food. And also Happy Birthday to Niharika 1.0 !! Have the best birthday ever!! Especially Random is also known as Niharika 1.0!!

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Dominoes Pizza and Marbled Cookie Pie

Do you love pizza and cookie pie??? If you do you should definitely go to Dominoes because they ave the best pizza and marbled cookie pie in the universe. (in my opinion). I looked at the pizza when I picked it up at the store with my parents and it looked so good I wanted to eat it right away ,but sadly I had to wait till I got home. And also if you love chocolate chip cookies you gotta try the chocolate chip cookie pie because it's like a delicious chocolate chip cookie but jumbo sized. I think I have to go to Dominos to get the pizza and cookie pie because I'm so hungry right now!!! Comment what you like better pizza or chocolate chip cookies. Keep baking awesome amazing cooks!! Bye!!!!



Nachos and salsa

I love nachos and salsa. I read a lot of cookbooks that teach me how to make nachos and salsa. But I don't feel right telling you how to make nachos and salsa from the information the book gave me on how to make them. So if you really don't know how to make nachos and salsa and you really want to make them go to a bookstore or library and get a cookbook for snacks. If you get a cookbook about snacks you are most likely to find an article about how to make nachos and salsa because mainly nachos and salsa is a snack food. I think nachos and salsa tastes delicious and it would taste even better if you made it homemade. Keep baking awesome amazing cooks. Bye!!!!



Wednesday, April 5, 2017

OREO Milkshakes

Yuck I have to eat broccoli for dinner and my parents said that if I eat all my broccoli for dinner I could have a dessert so I ate all my broccoli and I got to have a dessert. So there was OREO cookies and milkshakes and I just couldn't decide which one to have so I decided to have both. That means for dessert I had an Oreo milkshake. And it was really good so today I'm going to teach you how to make an Oreo milkshake. 

                                                    What you will need:
                                                    6 Oreos
                                               2 cups Vanilla icecream
                                          2 tbsp    Hershey's Chocolate Syrup
                                         3 cups of ice 
                                      Whipped Cream  (optional)
        Directions: Scoop the ice into the blender. Scoop in the vanilla icecream. Add the Oreos. Stir in the Chocolate Syrup. And blend the ingredients up.  Top it off with some whipped cream. Pour into two tall glasses and your ready to serve the milkshake . 



Sweet Frog vs. Berri Yummy !!! Ice cream battle Part 2!!!!

Have you tried frozen yogurt that's so good you want to eat it all the time????Well if you do you should go to Sweet Frog!!! But I forgot that there is Berri Yummy and that frozen yogurt is delicious too!!! I think this one is Sweet Frog as the winner because Sweet Frog has a Frog to thier mascot and everyone likes animals and Berri Yummy has no animal mascot to it at all. And Sweet Frog has more flavours of frozen yogurt!! I also think that Berri Yummy is good because they have really good toppings to put on the frozen yogurt. Keep baking awesome amazing cooks!! And also comment if you like Berri Yummy or Sweet Frog better!! Bye!!



I want Candy !!!!!!! I want Candy !!!!!!! Easter Candy!!!

Easter is coming up soon which means the Easter bunny is coming, lots of candy, and spring is finally here!! But most people like Easter for the Easter bunny and Candy and to be truthful I do to ,so since Easter is soon I thought we'd also talk about Easter Candy!! So my favourite type of candy is Peeps candy, Cadbury chocolate eggs, and Chocolate Bunnys. And I like a bunch more candys too. We should also thank someone for giving us all this candy. So Thank You to the Easter Bunny for all this delicious candy we get each year on Easter. Have you heard that there is a giant gummy bear. Keep baking awesome amazing cooks. Bye. Easter is on Sunday April 16th !!!



Can you guess what food I am talking about??? It's buttery and delicious and tons of people like to eat it when they watch a movie. Did you guess yet???If you guessed popcorn you are correct. We are going to be talking about popcorn today. Now since I am a kid I don't exactly know how to make popcorn.  So today we are just going to be talking about popcorn. Okay so we all know that we all love a Carmel drizzle on our popcorn or some butter on thier popcorn.  I think most people like it during movies because for an exploding the moment part in the movie you need to have a good snack to be ready to watch that part of the movie.  Now I don't know all the reasons why popcorn is great in movies . Comment your favorite way to eat popcorn and your favorite movie.   Keep baking awesome amazing cooks!!! Bye!!!!!!