Wednesday, April 5, 2017


Can you guess what food I am talking about??? It's buttery and delicious and tons of people like to eat it when they watch a movie. Did you guess yet???If you guessed popcorn you are correct. We are going to be talking about popcorn today. Now since I am a kid I don't exactly know how to make popcorn.  So today we are just going to be talking about popcorn. Okay so we all know that we all love a Carmel drizzle on our popcorn or some butter on thier popcorn.  I think most people like it during movies because for an exploding the moment part in the movie you need to have a good snack to be ready to watch that part of the movie.  Now I don't know all the reasons why popcorn is great in movies . Comment your favorite way to eat popcorn and your favorite movie.   Keep baking awesome amazing cooks!!! Bye!!!!!!


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