Sunday, April 9, 2017

What does a singer eat????

Remember when it was breakfast food  month and I did what does a Super Bowl player eat for breakfast?? But now today I am going to do what does a singer eat. Anyways,  my grandma went on stage to sing last night and I've gotta tell you she was the best singer on that stage. So I was thinking how do all the amazing singers on the stage sing so perfect?? Well, they practice a lot, they warm up before they sing,and they even eat a good snack before they sing. So today I will be telling you what a singer eats before they sing. A singer has to eat something healthy before they sing because they need to have the perfect singing voice and they need to be able to sing for a long time. Especially yesterday when all the singers had to sing on stage for one hour. So probably something like a breakfast bar, fruits, vegetables, and even a smoothie. I think some people had a smoothie before they sang because smoothies can be made with fruits,vegetables, and pretty much any food. Keep baking awesome amazing cooks!! Bye!!!!

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