Wednesday, June 7, 2017

100th Post !!!!!

I cannot believe that I reached 100 posts!! I am crying right now with happiness! I started in November 2016 and I did not come up with a lot of ideas and I was posting once a week and now we are in June 2017 and I post a lot more then I did then. And just thinking of getting 100 posts is just amazing to me and I couldn't have gotten 100 posts without all of you. One comment can really make my blog better. And I just want to say thank you to everyone who comments and commented on my blog. I have read a lot of your blogs and I like all of them. And to do a good idea on your blog is just thinking about what you really like and what you think other people will like. People really like stuff like suggestions, food reviews, what ticks them off, thier pet peeves, sports, food, one thing versus another thing, what makes them happy and sad, things that they notice. The list is endless on great ideas. And I just want to say thank you to everyone who commented on my blog and even if you only commented once. And I want to ask everyone a few questions before I go.
What is your favorite food?? What food month was your favorite? What is your blog about and what inspired you to do that theme? I am going to put the names of some awesome blogs on this blog so you can read the, laugh , and have them brighten up your day. And I forgot to mention my last blog entry is on Monday so make sure you read it. Keep baking awesome amazing cooks!! Bye!!

Here are some awesome blogs that I have read so far:
Merrin's and


  1. I am astonished! I can't believe how you persevered and made it to your 100th post!!!! Will you be posting over the summer?

    1. I can't buy the app at home and I just did my last blog entry so I guess I am not posting over the summer. Will you be posting over the summer?

    2. I actually am doing a new blog it is called My Everyday Life or my and I will be posting about stuff that bugs me
