Friday, June 2, 2017

Healthey vs. Junk Food

Do you know how some people like junk food better and some people like healthey food better. So that's why today I am going to be talking about healthey food vs. junk food. Healthey food you have energy for the whole day and junk food you really only have energy for a few hours. Healthey food is mostly grown food and junk food is not real food. Healthey food is with fruits such as apples, pears, watermelon , and bananas and vegetables such as celery, carrots, tomatoes, and cucumbers. And junk food doesn't have food like that. Most people think icecream is junk food but the only thing that makes it not healthy is how much sugar they put in it but otherwise it's healthey because it has milk in it to make bones stronger and calcium which is mainly very healthy. But still icecream isn't very healthy so you should only have it once in a while. What do you like better?? Healthey food or junk food?? I like healthey food better! Keep baking awesome amazing cooks!! Bye!!



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