Tuesday, June 13, 2017

My Last Blog Entry

I know I was supposed to do my last blog entry yesterday but I forgot so I am going to do it today!! I know that I haven't even done my blog entry for a year yet but since it's been almost a year I thought that it's time to say goodbye. I know you are probably all sad right now because this is my last blog entry and you all liked reading my blogs but I decided that it's time to stop blogging. My last day of school is tomorrow and I haven't found the time to do it at home as much as I used to. I had a really fun time on this blog and I hope you did to but just leaving the blog for me is so sad and I still wish that there was a way for me to blog more. And I just want to say thank you to every one for commenting and reading my blogs everytime I post because for your support is just really amazing. And just to brainstorm one blog entry idea is really hard to do and it takes a lot of patience and thinking and this summer I just want to relax and have fun before the next school year begins. So here is the last blog question. What was your favorite post that I did?? And for the last time on Emily's Kitchen, Keep baking awesome amazing cooks!!! Bye!! Also I might be starting a new blog soon!! Only a member of this blog can comment on it.

1 comment:

  1. My new blog is My Everyday Life or myeverydaylife16.blogspot.com
