Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Milkshakes vs. Icecream

Milkshakes and icecream have been around for a really long time.Wether it's milkshakes or icecream they're both really good.They are also different in some ways from each other.Milkshakes you put icecream,milk,ice and toppings in a blender and blend it up.Icecream you don't blend it.In a milkshake you can't put many toppings on.In icecream you can put on chocolate sauce,sprinkles,whipped cream,chocolate chips,etc the possibilities are endless.In a milkshake you can taste the stuff that's in the milkshake it tastes a little bit more like whipped cream and ice with flavour.Icecream you can easily buy at a store.Milkshakes you have to make or have in a restaurant because think about it they can't sell milkshakes at a store unless they aren't in the freezer at the store.Milkshakes you can eat in a place or take it home.Icecream you can't take it home unless you have a cup.Milkshakes you can have with a straw or spoon.Icecream you can only eat it with a spoon or you could eat it like an animal would buy that's just strange.You could have a straw with your icecream but that would also be strange.

 Keep baking awesome amazing cooks.