Sunday, December 25, 2016

Christmas Cookie Milkshake

                    Christmas Cookie Milkshake
               What you will need:
           One dozen Christmas cookies
         Vanilla Icecream
1.Put Christmas cookies in a blender.
2.Blend the cookies
3.Put the vanilla Icecream in.
4.Blend the vanilla Icecream with the cookies .

  Today is December 25th 2016 Christmas Day!!Merry Christmas to everyone who celabrates Christmas!If you don't Happy Holidays!!Smiles for sundaes!!😀

Keep up with the awesome amazing Christmas treat baking awesome amazing cooks.

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Easiest Icecream Hacks Ever!!

There can be some hacks in icecream.Here they are.The first hack in making icecream is when you spend a lot of time and you use hard ingredients to find to make an icecream sundae for your best friend and they try it and say this doesn't taste good!!It really makes me feel angry because I spent so much time making that sundae for my best friend and they don't even like it.Another ice cream hack is when you are trying to get an icecream sundae made and then when you get the whipped cream out its completely empty.The final icecream hack is when you are looking for chocolate marshmallow icecream in the store and you can't find the flavor of icecream you want anywhere.Keep baking awesome amazing cooks.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Peppermint Flavored Icecream

I love peppermint flavored ice cream!!Especailly around the holidays season.So since peppermint ice cream isn't really famous around stores I thought I'd show you how to make your own peppermint ice cream!Lets get started!What you will need:
Vanilla ice cream Red food colouring
1 teaspoon of peppermint extract
Candy canes (peppermint flavored)
Crushed candy canes
1.Scoop some vanilla ice cream in a bowl.
2.Put your 1 teaspoon of peppermint extract in.
3.Put four drops of red food colouring in.
4.Mix your ingredients together.
5.Crush your candy canes.
6.Sprinkle them on top of the icecream.
7.Crush your uncrushed candy canes.

The icecream looks so good!I hope you enjoyed this peppermint icecream tutorial.

Keep baking awesome amazing cooks.

Dairy Queen Blizzards ????

Yum have you ever tried a blizzard from Dairy Queen ?They are so good!!Its basically your favorite ice cream with cookies or extra flavor.I tried one today after lunch they are really good!So I was just done eating my lunch and I was still starving.So then that's when I went to Dairy Queen.Its also your favorite cookies mashed in ice cream.The blizzards are too good not to eat.Anyways back to the story I was in my car and I was asking the waitress for a cookies and cream blizzard.I saw the machine and the blizzard getting ready for me to eat.I finally got my blizzard and I took it home with me from drive thru .I got home ,I sat at the table , and ate my delishous looking and tasting blizzard.
Keep baking awesome amazing cooks.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Icecream Toppings??

We all love toppings on our icecream right??I do!!So I'm going to be putting on a bunch of different toppings on my Icecream sundae.The icecream sundae bar at the icecream store is always something good to put on your sundae.Im going to make my icecream as tasty as possible with this endless supply of toppings.They all look so good there is way too much to choose from.It all looks so good.I finally chose my toppings on my icecream sundae.

Keep baking awesome amazing cooks.

Milkshakes vs. Icecream

Milkshakes and icecream have been around for a really long time.Wether it's milkshakes or icecream they're both really good.They are also different in some ways from each other.Milkshakes you put icecream,milk,ice and toppings in a blender and blend it up.Icecream you don't blend it.In a milkshake you can't put many toppings on.In icecream you can put on chocolate sauce,sprinkles,whipped cream,chocolate chips,etc the possibilities are endless.In a milkshake you can taste the stuff that's in the milkshake it tastes a little bit more like whipped cream and ice with flavour.Icecream you can easily buy at a store.Milkshakes you have to make or have in a restaurant because think about it they can't sell milkshakes at a store unless they aren't in the freezer at the store.Milkshakes you can eat in a place or take it home.Icecream you can't take it home unless you have a cup.Milkshakes you can have with a straw or spoon.Icecream you can only eat it with a spoon or you could eat it like an animal would buy that's just strange.You could have a straw with your icecream but that would also be strange.

 Keep baking awesome amazing cooks.

Rita's Gelati?

I love gelatis from Rita's .A gelati is just water ice with soft serve icecream on top.It is a really good treat to have.But since it's really cold outside and Rita's isn't open right now I'm going to show you how to make your very own gelati.Freeze some fruit juice over night in a plastic cup.Next and final step is to get some of your favourite soft serve icecream and put that on top of the water ice.It should look something like this:

 Keep baking awesome amazing cooks.

Monday, December 19, 2016

Coldstone vs.Maggie Moos??Icecream Battle!!!!

Everybody knows that there are some good icecream stores in town.Wether it's MaggieMoos or Coldstone Cremery.Lets talk about the two stores.Maggie Moos is kind of my favourite between Coldstone.Coldstone Cremery just your average icecream.Maggie Moos they have a Maggie animal like who doesn't want a mascot animal at their icecream shop?More people I think like to go to Maggie Moos better then Coldstone Cremery because Coldstone only has like icecream with no mascot .So if you're like what icecream store should I go to?Coldstone Cremery or Maggie Moos?I would suggest go to Maggie Moos.Thank-you to Maggie Moos for really great service and icecream!And also thank you to Coldstone Cremery for making good icecream!

 Keep baking awesome amazing cooks.

Sunday, December 18, 2016


I love cupcakes and I love icecream so why not put the two together and you have yourself an icecream sundae cupcake.So what your going to need is chocolate cupcakes,ice cream,sprinkles,chocolate syrup,whipped cream,and cherrys.The first step is to buy or bake some cupcakes.Next scoop some icecream and put it on top of the chocolate cupcake.The third step is put some whipped cream on the top of the icecream.Fourth step put on some chocolate sauce.Fifth step put some sprinkles on top.Sixth and final step is put a cherry on top and you have yourself a cupcake icecream sundae.I can't wait to try it!Yum it tastes just like a real icecream sundae exept 10x better!!I would 10/10 recommend this treat .Comment down below what your favorite way to have icecream is!!See you guys next time!!Bye!!!

Keep baking awesome amazing cooks.

Ice cream Month?

From this title you can probably already tell that this months food is ice cream.This month we are going to be making icecream sundaes,make your own icecream,what's in icecream and more.I have been so exited for this month so I can make icecream sundaes and talk a lot about icecream.I know icecream stuff isn't like baking but still I love icecream you guys probably like icecream.We can also probably make icecream cookies .So I cannot wait until tomorrow so we can start icecream month off right and we can celebrate Christmas with food coloring our icecream red to look like a Christmas color.Or we can try eggnog icecream on Christmas or make Christmas cookies and dip them in icecream it's want we want on our delishous looking icecream we can also do an Icecream Topoing challenge or an Icecream Sundae Challange that day.My goal for icecream month is to try to get as creative as we can and do something different everyday because I felt like in cake month we did a lot of repeats and the same things a lot .So let's hope we can get a lot of smiles for sundaes.Since Christmas is next Sunday I might try Christmas cookies with vanilla icecream.

 Keep baking awesome amazing cooks.

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Ice cream Cake ?With Cats and dogs?

To wrap up cake month  we are going to be trying ice cream cake.Not just any ice cream cake.Dog and Cat shaped cakes.Its just an ice cream cake shaped like cats and dogs.I see a chocolate ice cream cake and a vanilla ice cream cake so I'm going to take these cakes home and make them into cats and dogs.So I think I'll use the vanilla cake for the cat and the chocolate one for the dog.If you have a dog shaped giant cookie cutter or a giant cat shaped cookie cutter you could use that to make the cats and dogs but I'm just going to cut out the cake.Next for the cat  coat the entire thing in any color frosting you want and same for the dog.Put eyes ,mouth,nose and you could add extra details to make it look like a real cat or dog.It looks too good to eat first I'm going to try the cat cake.Yumm I would 9/10 recommend this cake craft for a pet lover in your life or if your  a pet lover like me.Stay tuned for tomorrow's mystery month food.

Keep baking awesome amazing cooks.

Friday, December 16, 2016

Emojis's Cake?????

Emojis is so now popular with texting and most people love cake so why not make your cake even better by making it into your very own emoji.There are a lot of emojis you can do but the ones I'm doing is the happy tears emoji cake and the hearts eye emoji cake.You just need a circle chocolate cake and blue yellow and white and black buttercream frosting.The first step is spread yellow frosting on your chocolate cake.Next use your blue buttercream frosting for the happy tears of the eyes.Third step is use the white buttercream frosting for the eyes and black one for the centrer of the eyes.Its the same thing for the hearts eye except the eyes with tears are heart eyes.Its simple and quick emoji cake!!I would 7/10 recommend this!!

Keep baking awesome amazing cooks.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Cupcake Challange Eww

Lots and lots of YouTubers have been playing the cupcake challange.Its just kind of gross to play.So what the cupcake challange is that you make cupcakes with weird ingredients and it just disgusts me.And then after you bake them you have to pick gross spreads as the frosting and most people play it and they think it's actually good to eat but when people really eat it they are like ...Eww what is in this it tastes bad .I love cupcakes but not cheese,mustard,barbecue sauce,tomato,broccoli cake.But sometimes you can get good flavours in your cupcake but it's very rare.I would 0/10 recommend this challenge.Some people like this challenge and I respect it.

Keep baking awesome amazing cooks.

Friday, December 9, 2016

Bean boozled cake GROSS

Eww I cannot believe that some people decide to put bean boozled jelly beans in a cake!!You know how gross that is?Its like someone eating a ketchup cake because you can never tell what flavor in bean boozled your gonna get.Who wants to get sick while your eating a good food?When I say this you don't actually get sick you just feel that when you eat bean boozled cupcakes.So if someone eats a bean boozled cupcake tell them to stop .Comment what your least favorite cupcakes is.I would 0/10 recommend this cake.

Keep baking awesome amazing cooks.

ACHOO!Someone sneezed in the cake!!EWwww!and spitting in cake

Oh no another pet peeve!?We had one yesterday and now we have another pet peeve two pet peeves.Okay so yesterday I was about to eat my piece of cake and then my sister sneezed in the cake!!Gross!I guess I'm not eating my last slice of cake anymore.Finally it was my birthday this was 6 weeks ago I was blowing out my candles and my sister asked me if she could help blow out the candles and I said sure.So I blew out half and she blew them out and she spit on the cake!Eww I can't get another cake now!So just a quick lesson never let a sibling under the age of 9 help blow out your candles because they will get germs on your cake.Never let someone with a cold get close to your cake! Comment if your little brother or sister gets germs on your cake.This is my pet peeve 10/10 percent.
Check out these 5awesome blogs:

Sophie's fun

Keep baking awesome amazing cooks.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Big Annoucment

So I know I said on my first blog back last month that I was only doing cake I'm actually doing a new food every month.Cake month ends December 17 .I'm  starting  a mystery new food on December 18.So make sure you read it next Sunday so you know what the mystery food is.Trust me you'll probably love it as much as I do.Every 18th of the month I will be switching it to a new food so don't be surprised say one day I do cake and then the next day it's something totally random.Not every month I'm doing mystery food it's probably only going to be for the first food switch.I thought of doing this because it's probably going to be good for a change to have new foods every month .
Thank you to soccer girl 7 for suggesting this food .Shoutouts to the following blogs:                  Comment what food you want me to do in a future blog

Keep baking awesome amazing cooks.

My pet peeve Crazy Cake Challenge

My pet peeve is the crazy cake because it's just so disgusting to just put all these disgusting ingredients in a cake and tasting it .P.S.No offense to anyone who likes the crazy cake challenge .I really get grossed out when people do it because once I saw someone put mayo and monzerella cheese in a cake during the.Crazy Cake Challenge.I mean like why don't people just put in normal cake ingredients like cocoa and vanilla and sprinkles rather than just mayo,mustard,and tomato sauce in a vanilla cake.Its really gross to even think about right now.Anyways I can't even picture someone eating a tomato ketchup mustard mayo Monterey cake right now.If I could I would definitely not be able to even think straight right now without getting grossed out.Comment down below if you like pumpkin chocolate broccoli cake or not.This would be my pet peeve 9/10

Check out these 4 awesome blogs
Sophie's fun

Keep baking awesome amazing cooks.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Snowman Cupcakes

Do you know how much I love Christmas?I love it a lot!So I'm going to be showing how to make snowman cupcakes!You just need some vanilla cupcakes,chocolate buttercream frosting and orange buttercream frosting and vanilla frosting. The first thing you need to do is spread the vanilla frosting on the cupcake.The next thing you do is put on chocolate buttercream frosting in shape of circles for eyes and mouth and put on orange buttercream frosting in the shape of a carrot for the nose.Its that quick and simple.I think these will be perfect for a Christmas party or just for any special occasion .Comment down below if you like cupcakes I would recommend this 10/10

Keep up the awesome amazing Christmas treat baking awesome amazing cooks.

Check out these 7 awesome blogs

Smooth Cake Mixture Hacks

One thing that ticks me off when I'm trying to make my cake is when ou mix all the ingredients together in your electric mixer or just mix it together with a spoon is it's too smooth and when you put it in the oven it doesn't look like a good cake when you take it out it's bad enough you worked that hard and now all your hard work goes to waste .Guess I have to go back to the store to get more ingredients and cake mix to make another cake now that I can't change the way the cake will be.Here is what one of the cakes I made looked like to smooth mixture and the cake finished.Comment what smooth cake freaks you out.

Keep baking awesome amazing cooks.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Christmas Present Cake

Today I'm going to show you how to make a Christmas Present Cake.The things you will need are a cake cut into square,Green frosting,buttercream green,and red frosting.What you first do is coat the entire cake in red frosting.The next thing you do is use your green frosting for the stripe and use your buttercream frosting for the bow.Thats all you need to do and it's that easy and it's really fun to make and everyone will be like I love this Christmas Present Cake it's delishous.Here is the finished product of the Christmas Present Cake.What are you serving at a Christmas party.

Keep up the awesome amazing Christmas baking awesome amazing cooks.

Monday, December 5, 2016

Ornament Cupcakes

Here is how to make ornament cupcakes. The First thing that you do is buy some chocolate cupcakes or make some .The next thing is you know how ornaments have some sort of color you get some colored frostings and put them on top of the cupcake.Now put some sort of design on the frosting and you have finished your ornament. Peel the wrapper of the cupcake and put a hole through the cupcake for the string of the ornament.You could actually hang these on your tree for the next 20 days but if you do please do not eat the cupcakes because they could go bad really fast but you could eat them if you don't put them on the Christmas tree.I hope you enjoyed this!What is your favorite treat diy

Keep up the awesome amazing Christmas baking awesome amazing cooks.

How to dye your cakes

Many of you are probably woundering if you never dyed a cake before.How do you dye a cake?
So today I'm going to be telling you how to dye a cake.In your cake mixture use some food dye to color your cake any color you want.But sometimes food dye doesn't work and you try Crystal Light coloring but it tastes kind of like blackberrys instead of chocolate.But if you are making a blackberry flavored cake I would suggest you use Crystal Light.You could just use tie dye cake mixes or just use regular food coloring.What I would do is mix the ingredients together and then put in food coloring mix add more mix.If you do this you willl get the color you want in quick and easy steps.For frosting food colored I would suggest dye the frosting any color while the frosting is still in the container.Here is what the cake should look like if you have a cake dyed yellow with purple frosting.What is your favorite color to dye a cake?

Keep baking awesome amazing cooks.

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Christmas Cake Designs

Christmas is only 22 days away and I'm so exited for Christmas.Today I'm going to show you how to make some really cool Christmas designs on your cake.The first one is Reindeer Cupcakes.The things  you will need are chocolate cupcakes,colored mandms,chocolate frosting,vanilla wafer  cookies,chocolate and vanilla buttercream frosting and pretzels.The first step is to make or buy chocolate cupcakes but if you buy cupcakes then please take the frosting of of it.Then next step you need to spread chocolate frosting on your cupcakes and you put on vanilla buttercream frosting for the outside of its eyes and put chocolate buttercream frosting as the center of the eyes.You apply a vanilla wafer cookie as the nose and with chocolate frosting stick a brown mandm on it for your last one you stick a red mandm on for Rudolph.Then you cut your pretzels in the shape of antlers and your all done.The next one is called Christmas Tree Cakes.The things you will need is green buttercream,strawberries,chocolate cupcakes and little candies.The first step is to stick the strawberry on your cake with green buttercream and start making a Christmas tree design on the sides of the strawberry .The next and final step is to just put on tiny little candies on the tree like nerds or mini mandms.The final treat is Present Cakes.What you will need is red and white buttercream and chocolate cupcakes.The first and only step is to just put white and red buttercream on your cupcakes.
I hope you liked these treats and I hope you like them and even serve them as a snack at a Christmas party or just a treat for your family and friends or just a great for yourself!What is your favorite treat I made so far.

Keep baking awesome amazing cooks.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Cake Hacks

Do you know how when you're making a cake and you crack your eggs into the mixture and then the egg she'll accidently falls into the cake mixture.Or when you pour your mixture in and it spills.Those are the type of cake hacks Iam talking about.Or if you mix your ingredients and it's too think and you mix it again and it's way to smooth.These Cake Hacks really tick me off!I mean like come on we already got the stuff for the cake and then you have to start over I mean like come on Cake Hacks really tick me off.So today I am going to show you how to prevent cake hacks from happening.The first thing is if you are afraid the egg shell will fall in just hold your egg from avoiding it from falling in .If your worried about your cake mixture spilling make sure you keep it over the cake pan and if you need to use a spatula to spoon in the mixture.If you are worried about it not being good mixture don't mix your ingredients to much or not enough.I would suggest if it's not thick enough just mix it one more time.So now I hope these cake hacks don't happen to you. Comment what cake hacks you've experienced.

Keep baking awesome amazing cooks.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Chocolate Cake Ingredients

The ingredients to make a chocolate cake is cocoa powder,1 1/2 cups boiling water,vegetable oil,water,flour,sugar,eggs,sour cream,baking sofa,and vanilla.Just think that these are the ingredients that make your delishous chocolate cake dessert.Yes some of these ingredients may sound strange but they actually will taste pretty good together as a chocolate cake mixture .But that's only one type of chocolate cake there is one more.In other chocolate cakes some people skip the sour cream.Here is what the mixture should look like all whisked together.Then here is what the finished product should look like.What was the worst food you've ever tasted?Keep Baking Awesome Amazing Cooks

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Cake Designs

Here are some really cool cake Designs.First step is to spread chocolate frosting on your cake and then you put vanilla frosting on top and then you put some rainbow sprinkles on and drizzle it with some chocolate syrup that was cake #1.The next one is a Rainbow Topper Cake and what you do is get some rainbow colored frostings.Then you spread them on the cake and then put sprinkles on it.The third one is a Turkey Cake and you just cut out a cake in the shape of a turkey and then you spread chocolate frosting on the turkey and the feathers and then you decorate it with toppings.Next one is a chocolate confetti cake you just spread chocolate frosting on the cake and then put rainbow sprinkles on top.Here are the finished cakes and what they should look like when they're done.Comment what your favorite design on a cake is
This is my very first blog.In Emily's Kitchen we will be doing a lot of stuff with baking and cooking.And maybe we will even do a new food every month.
Keep baking Awesome Amazing Cooks

