Thursday, January 5, 2017

McDonald's Mcflurry ewww!!

I honestly don't really like mcflurrys from McDonald's!!I don't really like their icecream and that's mostly  what it's made of.Thier icecream kind of grosses me out!I tried the icecream and I got really grossed out I never will eat there ever again!The m and ms just make it taste even more gross which is. That is the last thing we need in a mcflurry .Who wants to get grossed out while eating ice cream?Not me!!But some people like the McDonald's Mcflurry.And I respect that.Keep baking awesome amazing cooks.


  1. I've never had a MuFlurrie I guesse its really gross.

  2. It's actually really good but I just thought I'd put I didn't like it for the blog entry to make it look more interesting.

  3. I just had a McDonald's Mcflurry today and it was delishous
