Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Breakfast from Chickfila

Ok this is one of my favourite restaurants to eat in general but I love their breakfast food too.I eat their platters I eat almost everything there.One time I ate their and I ate so much and then I was like can I go there again and again and again.I don't really like their breakfast burritos because I don't like burritos in general.But I do like their yogurt parfait s and breakfast chicken.Thankyou to Maillie Maniac and Niharika 1.0 for commenting on my last blog.

Smoothie King Smoothies

Do you like smoothies as much as I do??I love to get in my car and drive to smoothie king to get a delishous smoothie!!They have a delishous vairtyThey even have chocolate smoothies I've never heard of that for breakfast but ok.And it's breakfastime right now so I have to go get in my car and drive to Smoothie King to get a yummy smoothie!!You should really go there.




Crepes for Breakfast

I love crepes for Breakfast!!They just have a delishous looking taste to them.Some of my favorite kinds of crepes is Nutella,chocolate,strawberry.They just have an amazing taste to them and they look good too.Thats probably why I chose to taste them.You should try it.





Sunday, January 29, 2017

Chocolate Chip Muffins

I really like chocolate chip muffins they are so good.I made them one time for breakfast and they tasted really good.The taste of the chocolate chips in the muffins is really appetizing and delishous.Since I'm a chocolate lover I would really suggest you try the chocolate chip muffins.Keep baking awesome amazing cooks.



Saturday, January 28, 2017

Fruit Smoothie for Breakfast

I love fruit smoothies because they taste so delicious.Its also a great way to start off your day.There are a bunch of different favors of smoothies there's strawberry,blueberry,banana,mangoe,pineapple ,etc the possibilities are endless of what flavor smoothie you can get.Smoothies are also a great source of energy.Keep baking awesome amazing cooks.





Friday, January 27, 2017

Donuts for Breakfast

PI love donuts and it's probably one of my favorite breakfast foods.And the best part about about donuts is that you can have them for a snack if you wanted to.My favorite donut shop is definitely Dunkin Donuts!!I love the smell of thier bakery it smells like two hundred delishous donuts being baked at the same time.So if you want to eat a special breakfast I suggest you should go to Dunkin Donuts to buy some delicious donuts to eat for breakfast.Keep baking awesome amazing cooks.

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Breakfast from McDonald's Yum!!

This one was suggested from Creatively Creative and I asked her what resterant should I pick for today's blog and she said McDonald's.So thank you to Creatively Creative for suggesting this.I love breakfast from McDonald's it's so delishous.I love their hot cakes and hash browns and all their breakfast food.I ate there with my family for breakfast one time and it was really good and I was like I want to go back tomorrow for breakfast.Thier breakfast is so delishous it's probably better breakfast food then most resterants.So you should really eat your breakfast at McDonald's.

Keep baking awesome amazing cooks.

Keep baking awesome amazing cooks!!

Friday, January 20, 2017

Time for Breakfast!!

This months food is breakfast food.We are going to be doing breakfast from different places and different breakfast foods.Trust me I feel like your going to love breakfast month as much as icecream and cake month.Stay tuned this month because you might see your favorite food this month.And don't forget that when you comment you get a shoutout in the next blog.Keep baking awesome amazing cooks.







Sunday, January 15, 2017


I have to agree that icecream from Costco is really good.Its so good I almost ate my iPad when I saw the picture of the icecream.Okay so I went to Costco yesterday and I was like to my parents I really want to get some icecream from here .And then of course my sister was like Oh yeah I love Costco icecream .Thanks sister!!Because of you my parents made me share my icecream and I wanted my own.I mean like come on I'm to old to still be sharing icecream with my sister.For three reasons.

1.I could catch germs
2.There could be people staring at me
3.My parents always make me share with my sister .

And then I'm like come on I'm hungry I don't want to have to share with my little sister.And also yesterday my sister put both icecream spoons in her mouth and then I had no icecream spoon so I had to use a medal spoon and I hate using medal spoons to eat icecream.And my sister might accidentally use my spoon to eat the icecream and then I'd get germs from her.So here's a thing if you say i want icecream and then your sibling or siblings say I want icecream just say it's ok they can have it.And don't even care if you have 4 siblings and then all four of them share it .Just pretend you don't care.Dont even say anything about them sharing icecream with each other they are going to get germs and it's not your fault if they do.

Keep baking awesome amazing cooks.



Friday, January 13, 2017

Icecream sandwich Yum!!

Another delicious way I love to eat icecream is an icecream sandwich. I love icecream sandwiches because they have two delicious cookies and your favorite icecream in the middle.So today I'm going to be showing you how to make your very own icecream cookie sandwich.

        What you will need:
2 chocolate chip cookies
Vanilla icecream
Chocolate chips

1.Lay two chocolate chip cookies side to side on a paper plate.
2.Put the vanilla icecream on the cookies
3.Put the other cookie on top of the first cookie. Keep baking awesome amazing cooks

Shout out to the blog Randomseal17.blogspot.com for commenting on my mc flurry blog.

Monday, January 9, 2017

A Cook

I know this month is icecream month but I'd thought we'd do something different today.Today we are going to be learning about Emril Lagnesse.In 1996 Emril was a guest on the show Space Ghost Coast to Coast where he and other chefs including Martin Yan prepare meals for Space Ghost.Emril Lagnesse Foundation supports non profit organizations and educational inivaties that create opportunities for children to relise thier fully potential.The foundation has distributed more than $6 million in grants for children's charities.Lagnesse's style of cooking is called New New Orleans which uses Local Louisiana ingredients.Emril Lagnesse has over 10 cookbooks to choose from.So if you are wondering what you want to cook you should buy some of his delishous cookbooks.Keep baking awesome amazing cooks.

Friday, January 6, 2017

Homemade chocolate icecream??Yum!!

Here is how to make homemade chocolate ice cream.This will taste just like chocolate ice cream and way better then ones people by from stores.Its perfect to make into an ice cream sundae and tastes really good with waffles.It also tastes pretty good with brownies and cake too.Lets get started with the ice cream.What you will need:
Cocoa powder
Heavy whipped cream

Half and half
2 eggs

1.Crack and whisk two eggs.
2.Add in the sugar,whipped cream,half and half,.
3.Mix the ingredients till well combined
4.Add in the cocoa powder and mix.                      Keep baking awesome amazing cooks

Thursday, January 5, 2017

McDonald's Mcflurry ewww!!

I honestly don't really like mcflurrys from McDonald's!!I don't really like their icecream and that's mostly  what it's made of.Thier icecream kind of grosses me out!I tried the icecream and I got really grossed out I never will eat there ever again!The m and ms just make it taste even more gross which is. That is the last thing we need in a mcflurry .Who wants to get grossed out while eating ice cream?Not me!!But some people like the McDonald's Mcflurry.And I respect that.Keep baking awesome amazing cooks.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Banana Split???

I love banana splits.They are so good!!They are made out of icecream,bananas,and your favourite icecream toppings.Here is the most simple way to make a banana split.Here is what you will need:

       3 types of different icecream flavours
     2 bananas
Chocolate sauce optional
Toppings optional

1.Scoop three different flavours of icecream in a bowl.
2.Slice two bananas and put them on the sides of the icecream.
Put on your favourite toppings
4.Drizzle on some chocolate sauce

Time to try!!Yum it tastes just like a real actual banana split.

 Keep baking awesome amazing cooks.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Icecream Sundae Cake???

I love cake and icecream!!So put those two together and you have yourself an icecream sundae cake.You just make a cake and put scoops of icecream on top and put chocolate syrup and sprinkles and stuff you would put on an icecream sundae on top of the icecream.It looks really good to eat right  now!Or instead you could put icecream in mini icecream cones and stick em on the cake.There ate thousands of ways to do this.Its kind of like an icecream cake except the cake isn't made up of icecream it's on top of the cake.Keep baking awesome amazing cooks.