Thursday, March 23, 2017

Top 5 worst cookie hacks!!!

Okay so like I said on the first day of cookie month that there are a lot of hacks in making cookies so today I thought that I would tell you the Top 5 Worst Cookie Hacks in my opinion.  Okay so this first one is called Hard Work No good. So your just making your cookies and your making them for your whole family and you decide to make 5 dozen cookies you bake them and then you take them out of the oven and they are completely burned.That was 60 cookies gone to waste. The second one is called  The Bad Bad Bad Cookie. You are spending up to one hour making the cookies and then you taste the cookie batter to see if it tastes alright and then you taste it and then you have to spit it out right away because it tastes horrible. The third one is called I have no hope left. Your making your cookies and you see it says 1/2 cup of butter and you look in the refrigerator to find it there is no butter in the refrigerator. And worst of all your in the middle of making cookies. The fourth hack is called Someone ate my Cookies!!!So your just finishing making cookies and then you put them out the cool and then you leave the room for a second and then your little brother or sister comes in and eats like 5  or 6 cookies at a time. The last hack is called These cookies have no flavor at all!!!You want to make chocolate chip cookies and then you want to put the chocolate chips in the batter and then you look at the expiration date on the bag to make sure the are not expired and it actually expired two years ago!!! Keep baking awesome amazing cooks!!!Bye!!!



Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Winter Garden Pizza and Scoops Icecream

Ok so on Saturday I went to the Winter Garden place.And there was a bunch of stuff there about what happened a long time ago in winter garden Florida .But what I'm really talkin about is the food they have there and their food tasted delishous.I ordered pizza from the Winter Garden Pizza Place and it was really good I ate two pieces but I still wanted to eat more but I also wanted Icecream so we went to Scoops ice cream and I got chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream.Earlier in the day we also went to the chocolate place to get a  delicious snack to enjoy. They also have an awesome music store.All of us went there and we wanted to pretend to play all the stuff there. Maybe you should go visit Winter Garden, Florida.



Saturday, March 18, 2017

Snow flake Cookies

So since it's really warm right now in Florida I decided to go in the pool.Turns out the pool was freezing and I also wanted to eat some cookies.So I thought freezing cold pool plus cookies equals snowflake cookies!!And here's how to make them.Just make regular cookie dough and just snowflake cookie cutter and cut the cookie dough.Put them in the oven take em out and they are ready to eat.  And also if you want to see how my trip to Florida went,then stay tuned to every day until Tuesday, the 21st of March.I will be talking about how my trip went.And FYI it's 80 degrees out here in Florida!Keep baking awesome amazing cooks.Bye!!!


Friday, March 10, 2017

Disgusting Oreos!!!!

So I thought that it would spice up cookie month a little by doing a blog entry about some of the worlds most disgusting Oreo cookies.  Beware that these are some disgusting Oreos so before you read this blog make sure you don't get grossed out easily and also make sure you aren't eating anything while reading this.  Cheeseburger Oreos just plain old disgusting made with real ground beef.  The spam Oreos are made with 100 percent spam and I think spam is just plain old disgusting.  Dill Pickle Oreos I hate dill pickles so there is no way I will eat or like these Oreos. Keep baking awesome amazing cooks. Bye!!!!






Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Ahoy !!!Cookies!!

Yes we all know that delishous brand of cookies that makes us feel a lot like pirates.  You probably know this when I say it but today we are going to be talking about Chips Ahoy cookies. I love thier chocolate chip cookies.Its kind of like a crunchy soft cookie it's kind of a small sized cookie too.Thats why I like this cookie.  Keep baking awesome amazing cooks!!


Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Frosted sugar cookies

Hello everyone!!Sorry I haven't done a blog entry in a while so I thought I'd do one now!!So today we are going to be talking about sugar cookies but not just any kind of sugar cookies...FROSTED SUGAR COOKIES!!!I usually buy these cookies from the store.I don't really like the taste of these cookies but I mean like they are cookies so they definitely taste better then broccoli.These cookies just taste way to sugary.P.S.My parents won't let me have these cookies usually because I could get crazy and start running around the house.Bye.Keep baking awesome amazing cooks!!!See you next time!!