Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Cookie Month

This months food is Cookie month.I love cookies so much.We are going to be doing a bunch of different cookies ,cookie flavors,and cookie hacks.I think there's a lot of hacks in cookies .Theres a bunch of delicious flavours of cookies and I love cookies.Thats where I got the inspiration for cookie month.Keep baking awesome amazing cooks.


Thursday, February 9, 2017

Valentine's Day Breakfast!!

Since Valentines Day is only 5 days away I thought we should talk about Valentines Day breakfast for today's blog.Some stuff I love to eat on Valentine's Day is heart shaped pancakes,or heart shaped breakfast foods!!I also love heart shaped donuts or Valentine Donuts from Dunkin Donuts!!I just think that these breakfasts taste so good on Valentine's Day and is a sure way to get a great start to a great day!!Keep baking awesome amazing cooks!!



Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Top 3 Worst Pancake Hacks!!

Yes pancakes may be very delicious but there can be some hacks in the making of pancakes.So today I'm going to be telling you the top  3 Worst Pancake Hacks!!#1 Cake Burn.So you know when your making your pancakes and you spend like an hour making them and then they burn and then your like FUDGE!!!Because I spent an hour making them and then they burn!!#2The BAD BAD Pancake.When your FINALLY finished making the pancakes and you give them to your family and then they eat it and then they are like EWW!!And first you think they are tricking you but then you taste the pancakes and then your like EWW!!#3Expired Toppings .When you put the toppings on the pancakes and then you look at all the expiration dates to make sure they are not expired and then they are all expired and you are so mad because there is no toppings for you to put on your pancakes!!Keep Baking Awesome Amazing Cooks!!



Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Breakfast from IHOP

I love breakfast from IHOP!!I eat there almost every weekend to eat!!And the best part about it is ALL DAY BREAKFAST!!They have also a lot of options to choose from!!Once it took me ten minutes to decide what to eat there!!And you can eat breakfast for lunch or dinner there!!There is a lot of pancakes there!!You should really eat there!!










Monday, February 6, 2017

Dunkin Donut Donuts

I love donuts from Dunkin Donuts probably for the fact that they have munchkins!!The munchkin donuts are just like donuts exept they are donut holes and a lot smaller then the real actual regular sized donut.The ones I love are chocolate,glazed and powder vanilla donut holes!!I also love thier donuts a lot!!Probaly because I love donuts in real life!!You should try it a lot!!I would rate it on a scale from one to ten a 10/10 !!You should really try it !!Keep baking awesome amazing cooks!!



Delishous Pancakes for Breakfast

I love pancakes!!I like plan pancakes and fun topping ones!!I especially like the topping ones!!There are ines with m and ms ,chocolate chips,and much more amazing toppings!!I also like whipped cream and some sort of sauce like strawberry or regular syrup!!I also like a fruit on my pancakes like strawberrys,blue berries,or even peaches.I also like chocolate chips or some sort of fun candies on top!!Since Valentines Day is next week I love heart shaped pancakes with a fun topping!!So you should really try this!!What is your favorite type of pancake?Keep baking awesome amazing cooks!!








Saturday, February 4, 2017

What does a Super Bowl player eat for breakfast??

Yes!!In less then 24 hours the Alanta Falcons are going against the New England Patriots!!Ive been really thinking to myself ...Hmm I wounder why these football teams are so good !!And then I knew they ate an energy breakfast before they play the big game !!So today I'm going to be telling you what a Super Bowl player eats for breakfast .A super bowl player always eats something that's in the four main food groups after all breakfast is the most important meal of the day!So somethings like oatmeal ,grain bar,or egg on English muffin .They need to eat something that's high in protein of else they wouldn't have enough energy for the big game!!Who do you think is going to win the Super Bowl 2017?Alanta Falcons or New England Patriots??


One of my pet peeves is...BREAKFAST BURRITOS

From this title you can honestly tell I don't like breakfast burritos!!The taste just gives me this weird taste in my mouth !And also it tastes really bad!!I tried a breakfast burrito one time and it tasted horrible!!Im never going to eat a breakfast burrito ever again!!I mean like come on you don't want to taste something that gross!!And that is why I have animosity from BREAKFAST BURRITOS!!But some people like breakfast burritos and I respect that.Keep baking awesome amazing cooks!!Anomosity means extreme hatred of something.


Friday, February 3, 2017

Birthday Breakfast Ideas

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!If today is your birthday or your birthday is soon or has been a couple of days ago here are some awesome birthday breakfasts you can make for your birthday friends birthday if you want.Just make sure that no one is allergic to these foods or ingredients because no one wants to end up in the hospital on their birthday.Birthday donut tower is always a good one because who doesn't want donuts on thier birthday?Its a whole lot of donuts.Another favourite is pancakes because they are rainbow







Mickey Ds Dinner Box Yum!!

I know this isn't breakfast food but Maillie Maniac suggested it so we are going to do it.Also to Maillie Maniac I owe you a huge thank you because you are so supportive of this blog and you help me come up with really good ideas!!Anyways let's get on to the blog!!I love Mickey Ds because you can share with your best friends or family members this delishous meal!!It has two small hamburgers,two large hamburgers,two fries,two drinks,and it also has a lot of chicken McNuggets.And the best part about this meal is you can have the delishous tasting Mickey Ds for a few days if you wanted to!!Also shoutout to Maillie Maniac for commenting on my last blog and check out her awesome blog which is Creatively Creative or creativelycreative43.blogspot.com.Keep baking awesome amazing cooks!!



Thursday, February 2, 2017

Oikos Yogurt for Breakfast!!

I love okios yogurt it's so good!!I wouldn't have it as the only thing for Breakfast because it's not that filling but you could have it with something else if you wanted.I like the key lime and strawberry.Whats your favourite yogurt flavour?I would 9/10 recommend this .








Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Cereal for Breakfast

I love cereal for breakfast!!I love that it's sweetened up with yummy flavours.My favourite kinds of cereal is Apple Jacks,Fruit Loops,and Rice Krispies.I go to the storeapproximately every single five days and once every three days.It was crazy I ate two bowfuls of It for breakfast and once even for a snack!!!You should really try the cereal!!

Pilsbury Toaster Struddles for Breakfast

I love toaster Struddles!They taste so good.They have yummy stuff on the outside and I think there's like strawberry jam on the inside.And they have mini packets of yummy frosting to go on top.Just thinking about how good they are makes me so hungry .A few seconds ago I almost ate my iPad thinking about how good the toaster Struddles really are.They also have a little pilsbury chef on the front side of the box and its smiling and happy and looks like a real life chef.Ok back to the actual Struddles .When I first tried the Struddles for the first time I was like I want to take another bite so I actually ended up eating the whole thing!You should really try it!!