Monday, May 29, 2017

I love watermelon

So I was looking at pics of fruit the other day and I found a pic of some watermelon and I just remembered how much I love to eat watermelon. So today's blog entry is about watermelon. I usually eat watermelon at barbecues like today I am going to eat watermelon today. I also eat watermelon because in my opinion it tastes really good. Do you like watermelon?? What is your favorite springtime fruit?? Keep baking awesome amazing cooks!! Bye!!


Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Yum!! Strawberries!!

I really love to eat strawberries an it is also a really healthey food too!! I really like the taste of them. I also like to put them in a smoothie. Every time I go to a smoothie place I always get a smoothie with strawberries in it. I'm pretty sure most people like strawberries too. They just taste so good in my opinion. But some people don't like strawberries and I respect that. Comment what your favorite type of fruit is or if you like strawberries. Keep baking awesome amazing cooks!! Bye!!


Monday, May 22, 2017

Healthey foods Month!!!

I know it's only almost the end of May but still I thought I'd start healthy foods month. And as you noticed I started dessert month at the end of April when I was supposed to start dessert month this month in May. So this month we are going to be talking about healthey foods. So like vegetables, fruits, and other healthy foods. And since it's getting warmer out we are going to also be talking about fruit ice pops. So I hope you are exited for healthey foods month. And I forgot to mention that in the middle of June is my last blog entry. I know it's sad but I thought that I should stop doing my blog when summer begins. Keep baking awesome amazing cooks!! Bye!!


Sunday, May 14, 2017

Chocolate cupcakes vs. Vanilla Cupcakes

I love  chocolate cupcakes and vanilla cupcakes!!! But did you know that you can get chocolate cupcakes with vanilla frosting and vanilla cupcakes with chocolate frosting? But when you get chocolate cupcakes with chocolate frosting and vanilla cupcakes with vanilla frosting it doesn't taste that good because chocolate cupcakes are a different from the type of chocolate frosting and the same goes with vanilla cupcakes and vanilla frosting. But some people like it this way and I respect that. What is your favorite type of cupcakes?? What one do you like better?? Chocolate cupcakes or vanilla cupcakes?? Keep baking awesome amazing cooks!! Bye!!!



Friday, May 12, 2017

Molten chocolate lava cake!!

I love molten chocolate lava cake!! It's so good. I tried some today and it was really good! I really like chocolate though especially two layers of chocolate together. You should really try chocolate lava cake sometime. What is your favorite type of cake? If you like to eat chocolate, what is your favorite way to eat chocolate? Keep baking awesome amazing cooks!!


Thursday, May 4, 2017

Fatty Sundaes!!! Yum!!!

I love fatty Sundaes!! They are a chocolate covered pretzel with sprinkles on top!! They taste so good!! My mom bought them home one time and I just started eating them. If you want to make them here is how to make the fatty Sundaes.
What you will need:
One bag of meltable chocolate wafers
Pretzel sticks

Directions: Melt the wafers in a microwave how long it says to on the bag. Dip the pretzels in the chocolate wafers. Cover with sprinkles!! Enjoy!!! What I said you favorite type of pretzel hard or soft?? Keep baking awesome amazing cooks!! Bye!!


Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Chocolate covered Strawberries!!!

I love the fruit called strawberries. And my favorite dessert flavor is chocolate. So put that together and you have chocolate covered strawberries. They are really good and really easy to eat too. And today I'm going to be telling you how to make the chocolate covered strawberries. 

                            What you will be needing: 
                             6 strawberries 
                             A plastic knife (to cut strawberries stems)
                            Chocolate chips

Directions: Wash the strawberries and cut the stems off of all the strawberries. Melt the chocolate chips in the microwave for twenty seconds or until melted. Dip the strawberries into the chocolate and place in the refrigerator for two hours. And you are ready to enjoy!!


Monday, May 1, 2017

Chocolate pudding cup!!

I love one cup of pudding. So I also like three layers of pudding. So when there's three layers of chocolate pudding, whipped cream and cookie crumbles you gotta try it. It tastes like a dessert heaven. There is also a bunch of other pudding flavors. Like vanilla, chocolate, strawberry and tapioca. You can also put cookie crumbles on it. What so your favorite pudding flavor??? Keep baking awesome amazing cooks!! Bye!!